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May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God, and the fellowship [partnership]
of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
2 Corinthians 13:14
When a merchant is operating an expanding business
venture, he is sometimes hampered in its development by
a lack of capital. So he inserts an advertisement in the
newspaper: "WANTED, a partner with capital, to join in
developing a promising business."
The business of living the Christian life as it should be
lived is too lofty in its ideals and too exacting in its
demands for us to engage in it alone. We desperately
need a partner with adequate capital to make it a success.
Certain statements of Scripture bring us face-to-face
with the paucity of our spiritual capital. They make
demands that are patently impossible for the unaided
human nature. Verses such as those that follow, far from
encouraging us, tend to fill us with dismay when we review our past performance.
"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly
Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)
"It is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." (1
Peter 1:16 KJV)
"Always giving thanks to God the Father for
everything." (Ephesians 5:20)
"Do not be anxious about anything."
(Philippians 4:6)
"Pray without ceasing." (1 Thessalonians
5:17 KJV)
What an impossible standard! How could ordinary men
and women hope to reach such heights of spiritual
attainment? "I can understand Paul getting high grades,
but I'm no Paul!"
But is God so unreasonable as to make impossible
demands and then hold us responsible for our failure? Our
conscious spiritual inadequacy underlines our need of a
partner who has adequate spiritual resources on which we
can draw.
Here, as everywhere else, our bounteous God has
anticipated our need and meets it through the operations
of His Holy Spirit. That provision is implicit in the familiar
benediction: "The fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you
all" (2 Corinthians 13:14).
The Greek word for "fellowship" is the familiar word that has recently come into
common use in religious circles,
koinonia. It is defined as meaning "partnership,
participation in what is derived from the Holy Spirit."
Without straining the text, that is the staggering
suggestion that the third Person of the Trinity is willing to
become the active, though secret, Partner of the disciple in
his walk and witness.
Five times in the New Testament koinonia is translated
as "partner." It is used of a partnership in a fishing
business: "They signaled their partners in the other boat
to come and help them" (Luke 5:7). Thus "the partnership
of the Holy Spirit" is a concept that is textually and
etymologically supported.
The Personality of the Partner
Most who read these pages will believe in the doctrine
of the personality of the Holy Spirit-that He is not a mere
power or influence that we can use for our purposes, but
a divine Person. We believe the doctrine, but do we
always recognize and honor Him as such in daily life? It is
so easy to forget Him or to ignore Him unconsciously, and
yet He is active in every aspect of life.
When Jesus was breaking the news of His approaching
departure and the consequent coming of the Comforter to
His disciples, He uttered four pregnant words that call for
a searching of our hearts. He had already said: "If you
really knew me, you would know my Father as well" (John
14:7). Then He added:If you love me, you will obey what I
command. And I will ask the Father, and
He will give you another Counselor to be
with you forever-the Spirit of truth. The
world cannot accept him because it neither
sees him nor knows him. But you know
him, for he lives with you and will be in
you. (John 14:15-17; emphasis added)
In those passages Jesus speaks of our knowing Him,
knowing the Father, and knowing the Holy Spirit. The
Father concept in reference to the Godhead is familiar to
us because we have fathers (although some fathers may
be far from ideal). But we can conceive of God as a
perfect Father. We know God as our Father.
Similarly, it is not too difficult for us to form a concept of
Jesus as the Son of God, for He came to earth and
revealed Himself as the Son of Man and fully identified
Himself with our humanity, even to the extent of assuming
our sinless weaknesses. We know Jesus as our Savior and
But can we say with equal definiteness that we know
Him, the Holy Spirit, as a divine Person who is worthy of
equal love and reverence with the Father and the Son? Do
we enjoy His personal help and empowering in daily life,
or is He just a mystical, shadowy figure of whom we have
no clear concept?
It is helpful in this connection to consider the
significance of the words "another Counselor," Or comforter. In Greek two words mean "another." One
means "another of a different kind"; the other, "another of
exactly the same kind." It is the second that Jesus used.
He was assuring His disciples that His personal
Representative whom He was sending was exactly like
Himself. This Representative would be just as loving,
tender, and caring-so much so that there would be an
advantage to them in His own departure (John 16:7). Does
that not dispel some of the shadow that tends to shroud
His real personality? He is exactly like Jesus.
Since He is willing to be Partner with us in daily life,
should we not get to know Him better?
The Purpose of the Partnership
If an earthly partnership is to be successful, it is of
prime importance that there be a warm and trustful
relationship between the partners. Also, if friction is to be
obviated, they must be one in both aims and ideals.
I was once appointed executor of an estate that involved
a business partnership. The surviving partners, although
upright in character, held entirely opposing views of the
direction the business should take. Ultimately, the
dissension became so acute that the only course possible
was to dissolve the partnership and sell the business. For
success, there must be mutual trust and confidence and
unity of aim.
The Holy Spirit has been sent to transact big business
for the kingdom of God, nothing less than to participate in
the redemption of a lost world. In this vast enterprise He seeks our partnership as He
oversees the interests of
Christ on earth.
Jesus spelled out the Spirit's primary ministry in six
words: "He will bring glory to me" (John 16:14). Just as
Christ's aim was to glorify His Father (John 17:4), so the
aim of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Christ. If we are truly
partners with the Spirit, then that will be our consuming
objective too. So long as our genuine ambition is to glorify
Christ, we can count on the aid of our Senior Partner,
whether in home, school, office, or pulpit.
The Position of the Partners
Some businesses operate quite successfully with one
member being a working partner and the other being a
silent partner. The latter, though not involved in the day-
to-day conduct of the business, makes an essential
contribution by providing the capital for the operation. He,
of course, shares proportionately in the profits.
The Holy Spirit, however, will not consent to be a
sleeping partner, although He may be a secret Partner in
the sense that He is not visible in the partnership business.
He must be accorded the role of Senior Partner and have
control of the whole enterprise if there is to be a
harmonious and successful operation.
Could not many of our failures be attributed to the fact
that we arrogate to ourselves the role of senior partner
instead of ceding it to Him? Have we been guilty of trying
to make use of Him instead of allowing Him to make use of
us?The story of Gideon illustrates this point. He became a
powerful instrument in God's hands because he recognized
correctly the relative positions of the Holy Spirit and
himself: "Then the Spirit of the Lord came upon [clothed
himself with] Gideon" (Judges 6:34).
Gideon's personality voluntarily became a garment, so to
speak, in which God could move among men. He was thus
enabled, through Gideon, to achieve a notable victory on
behalf of His people.
When Dwight L. Moody and his wife were vacationing
beside the Syrian Sea, an old man greatly amazed Moody
by saying, "Young man, honor the Holy Spirit or thou shalt
break down."
"I was angry," Moody said, "but he was right. I was
troubled, and prayed until there came a night when Third
Heaven found me. Since then my soul has known the
mystery of Moses' burning bush which burned with fire,
but was not consumed."
If in our service we honor the Holy Spirit, and
consistently respect His position as Senior Partner, we will
not be prone to suffer from the contemporary malady of
"burnout." We will not be undertaking work for God in our
own strength or embarking on enterprises He has not
initiated. The last word in any decision must lie with the
Senior Partner.
Particulars of the Partnership
If a partnership is to run harmoniously, the terms of
partnership must be clearly understood and set out in writing, down to the last particular.
It is unwise to enter
into a partnership arrangement, even though it be with
friends, without a signed and sealed deed of partnership
setting out the mutual privileges and responsibilities of the
What does Scripture have to say about the terms on
which the Holy Spirit will be able to work with us? I will
suggest five that usually have their counterpart in a human
partnership agreement:
The Business Shall Be Conducted According to the
Partnership Agreement. The Spirit-breathed Word of
God is, of course, our deed of partnership. No contingency
can arise in our work for the kingdom for which provision
has not been made there. Our first duty is to acquaint
ourselves with those provisions and conform our lives to
their demands.
The Partners Shall Devote Their Whole Time,
Abilities, and Energies to Furthering the Partnership
Business. There is no question of the Holy Spirit's failing
to honor His obligations. The risen Lord assured us of His
cooperation and empowering: "You will receive power
when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my
witnesses" (Acts 1:8).
Like his Lord, the disciple should be willing to
subordinate personal interests and comforts to the
concerns of the kingdom. He should not enter into secret
alliances with competitors or others whose interests are
adverse-the world, the flesh, or the Devil.
The Capital to Be Contributed by Each Partner. It is at this point we come
face-to-face with our spiritual
bankruptcy. What have we got to contribute? James M.
Gray states our position in verse:
Naught have I gotten but what I received,
Grace has bestowed it since I have believed.
Once more to tell it would I embrace,
I'm only a sinner, saved by grace.
My only contribution to the partnership assets is my
redeemed personality with its powers and possibilities.
Because I was made "in the image of God," I am
acceptable to my Partner despite my penury. So I present
my contribution:
All for Jesus, all for Jesus,
All my being's ransomed powers,
All my thoughts, and words and actions,
All my days, and all my hours.
But what will the Holy Spirit contribute? He has been
authorized to make "the unsearchable riches of Christ"
available to us (Ephesians 3:8). "All the treasures of
wisdom and knowledge" are part of the capital (Colossians
2:3). Why do we not appropriate more of what has been
given to equip us for effective service?
A young man was suddenly launched into a business
that expanded rapidly. He was quite unknown in business
circles, and he himself had very little capital. Yet he did not
appear to be financially embarrassed. What they did not
know was that an anonymous wealthy man, discerning the
capabilities of the young man, had said to him, "You begin a business, and I will
stand by you financially." The
mystery was solved. It is in this sense that the Holy Spirit
is our divine Standby.
In the Event of Any Disagreement or Dispute
Arising, the Matter Shall Be Referred to an
Arbitrator. Who is the arbitrator if I fail to fulfill the
terms of the partnership agreement? If the dove of peace
has flown from my heart, that will be evidence that I am
out of harmony with my Senior Partner; I will have grieved
the Holy Spirit. An honest confession of sin and failure and
a renewal of obedience will secure the return of the dove
of peace. One rendering of Philippians 4:7 has it: "May the
peace of God be enthroned in your heart as the arbitrator
in all disputes."
The Distribution of Profits. In our association with
the Holy Spirit, we are given the best of the bargain all the
way through. Unlike other partners, He seeks nothing for
Himself. In spite of our negligible contribution to the
capital, He turns all the profits over to us, and we are
constituted "heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ"
(Romans 8:17).
The Privileges of the Partnership
What abundant benefits accrue to us through our
association with our Lord's Representative on earth!
In Bible Study. The Spirit of truth is both inspirer and
interpreter of the Scriptures. He illumines the sacred page
as we traverse it under His guidance. He delights to unfold
before our eyes the glories, virtues, and achievements of the Savior. He imparts
"the light of the knowledge of the
glory of God in the face of Christ" (2 Corinthians 4:6).
In the Prayer Life. He is called the "spirit of grace and
supplication" (Zechariah 12:10), and in this role He "helps
us in our weakness [for] we do not know what we ought
to pray for" (Romans 8:26). Much of the barrenness of our
prayer lives can be attributed to our failure to appropriate
the promised help of our Partner.
In Our Service. We can draw upon His mighty power
to enable us to do everything that is within the scope of
the will of God. The risen Christ promised this equipment:
"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on
you" (Acts 1:8).
In Our Character. The passion of the Holy Spirit is to
transform us into the likeness of Christ, as Paul intimates:
And we who with unveiled faces all
reflect [behold] the Lord's glory, are
being transformed into his likeness
with ever-increasing glory, which
comes from the Lord, who is the
Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:18)
With that light on the all-too-familiar benediction, it
should have much more meaning for us.
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