打字记录5102 times
Cumulative test453.7 Hour
Chinese speed88.4 word/min
English speed 0 word/min
英文成绩击败了全国0%of the people
中文成绩击败了全国97.2%of the people
2024 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
12-21 01:32:51 游客16992623 当遇见你 Chinese 40 Min 59 WPM 100 % 97 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-21 01:24:53 游客16992623 让你情绪稳定自信爱笑的人才值... Chinese 40 Min 68 WPM 100 % 268 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-20 03:34:25 游客16992623 让你情绪稳定自信爱笑的人才值... Chinese 40 Min 82 WPM 100 % 201 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-20 00:42:25 游客16992623 让你情绪稳定自信爱笑的人才值... Chinese 40 Min 73 WPM 100 % 276 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-19 08:12:56 游客16992623 让你情绪稳定自信爱笑的人才值... Chinese 50 Min 74 WPM 100 % 229 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-19 07:49:14 游客16992623 只要爱上一个人 Chinese 2 Min 88 WPM 99 % 27 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-19 07:46:53 游客16992623 只要爱上一个人 Chinese 2 Min 80 WPM 100 % 36 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-19 07:44:41 游客16992623 只要爱上一个人 Chinese 2 Min 72 WPM 100 % 37 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-19 01:52:26 游客16992623 只要爱上一个人 Chinese 2 Min 87 WPM 100 % 17 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-19 01:50:07 游客16992623 只要爱上一个人 Chinese 2 Min 73 WPM 100 % 35 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-19 01:43:23 游客16992623 让你情绪稳定自信爱笑的人才值... Chinese 50 Min 68 WPM 100 % 314 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-18 06:01:28 游客16992623 让你情绪稳定自信爱笑的人才值... Chinese 50 Min 73 WPM 100 % 296 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-18 01:09:10 游客16992623 人这一生健康最重要 Chinese 2 Min 85 WPM 100 % 45 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-18 01:07:01 游客16992623 人这一生健康最重要 Chinese 2 Min 66 WPM 100 % 57 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-15 23:46:20 游客16992623 — — Chinese 5 Min 71 WPM 100 % 62 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-15 23:37:23 游客16992623 — — Chinese 5 Min 69 WPM 100 % 79 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-15 21:54:28 游客16992623 — — Chinese 5 Min 68 WPM 100 % 77 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-15 19:49:23 游客16992623 活出爱-史铁生 Chinese 50 Min 57 WPM 100 % 220 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-15 19:24:30 游客16992623 耐心,是一种可贵的智慧 Chinese 50 Min 82 WPM 100 % 99 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-15 18:56:27 游客16992623 耐心,是一种可贵的智慧 Chinese 50 Min 90 WPM 100 % 72 Excellent, good results oh!VSView