【英】勒布朗詹姆斯致辞Dear Class of 2020

Contributor:夏五郎 Type:English Date time:2020-09-07 14:06:58 Favorite:19 Score:0
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Tonight, we are celebrating the class of 2020. Every family in America experiencing the critical
role our schools and charities play in our lives, and what happens when they shut down. And our
poorest neighborhood, schools are about much more than learning, and places like Arkon Ohio,
schools are the most essential service, they may be the only place that supports you, the only
place to protect you, and for many, the only place to feed you. Our schools are our safety net,
out people build our communities. To the class of 2020, as you celebrate tonight, do not forget
your safety net. Every teacher, every coach, every pastor, they along with your friends and
family, got you to this moment. And now, it is time to go a new place. It is time to chase every
dream, accept every challenge, strive for greatness, honor every promise, and recommit to your
community. I know, that's the last thing you want to think about right now in the place you've
been sitting in for the last two months. Really, I mean, the last 18 years for you guys. But
it's the truth, the community needs you. And when I say to the community, I mean your Rec League,
your church, your youth group, most of all, your school——they need you. Most importantly,
building your community is how you charge the world. Unfortunately, the system does not solve
the real problem. Education, violence, racism, they must be solved in the street.
Class of 2020, another last thing you want to hear right now is stay home. It's not my message
to you. My message is, stay close to home, maybe not physically, but in every other way possible.
Pursue every ambition, go as far as you possibly can dream, and be the first generation to
embrace the new responsibility, a responsibility to rebuild your community.
Class of 2020, the world has changed, you will determine how we rebuild. And I ask that you make
your community, your priority. Congratulations, class of 2020! I love all of you and remember one
thing, you're all kings and queens.
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