
Contributor:wuvikr Type:English Date time:2020-09-17 20:49:15 Favorite:20 Score:0
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Collection Modify the typo
Aalias apt awk at atrm atq aide
B bc basename bash bzip2 bzcat bunzip2 blkid break bg busybox base64
C cat cd clock cal cp chpasswd chage chfn chsh clear cut chown chgrp chattr chmod curl compress
cpio createrepo configure continue crontab chkconfig chronyc cobbler check
D date dd dnf dirname dos2unix df diff dir ls delcare dpkg dumpe2fs du dstat
E echo exit enable export exec egrep e2label e2fsck ethtool expect
F file finger free fgrep find findmnt fuser findfs fdisk fsck fping fg
G groupadd groupmod groupdel groupmems gpasswd getent grep gzip gunzip gdisk glances grub-install
grub grub-md5-crypt grub-crypt grub2-mkconfig grub2-install grub2-setpassword gpg getenforce
H hwclock hash help hostname hostnamectl history halt hexdump head htop
I init id info ifconfig ip iotop iftop install iptraf-ng
J jobs
K kill killall ksvalidator
L lsb_release ls lscpu lsblk lsof logout ln less locate ldd losetup lvcreate lvs lvdisplay lvreduce
lvextend lvremove lvconvert lastb ltrace lsmod
M mail man mv mandb makewhatis mkdir more make make install mount mkswap mkisofs mii-tool mtr
mpstatmktemp mkpasswd mkinitrd modinfo modprobe
N nano nmcli nl nmap netstat netplan apply nload nohup ntsysv ntpq -p ntpdate
O openssl od
P passwd ping ps pstree pwd poweroff paste patch parted partx partprobe pvs pvdisplay pvcreate
pvmove pvremove pgrep pmap pidof prtstat pkill pssh pscp.pssh pslurp.pssh
Q quit quota
R rmdir rm rename reboot rev rpm rpm2cpio route rmmod runlevel reset rsync
S shutdown stat shred set screen sort ss split scp seq swapon swapoff select sysctl strace
sha512sum sha256sum systemd-analyze plot sshpass ssh-keygen ssh-copy-id ssh-agent bash
ssh-add sftp sudo setenforce sestatus system-config-kickstart
T tmux touch tr tee type tty tree tail tailf tac tar tune2fs tracepath traceroute top
trap timedatectl tftp
U unalias useradd usermod userdel uname unix2dos uptime umask uniq updatedb uncompress
unzip unxz umount uuidgen until unset ulimit
V vipw vigrp vi vim vgcreate vgs vgdisplay vgreduce vgextend vgrename vmstat visudo
W w who whoami which whereis wget whatis while wc wait webmin
X xxd xargs
Y yum yes
Z zip zcat zgreap zless
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