
Contributor:自然即存在 Type:代码 Date time:2024-03-20 13:17:11 Favorite:62 Score:1
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Collection Modify the typo
Python language reserved words:
False elif lambda None else nonlocal True except not and finally or
as for pass assert from raise break global return class if try
continue import while def in with del is yield
The branching structure of a program:
Single branch structure:
if <condition>:<statement block>
Two branch structure:
if <condition>:<statement block 1>
else:<statement block 2>
Multi branch structure:
if <condition 1>:<statement block 1>
elif <condition 2>:<statement block 2>
else:<statement N>
The two branch structure has a more concise expression:
<expression 1> if <condition> else <expression 2>
The loop structure of the program:
Traverse loop:
for <loop variable> in <traverse structure>:<statement block>
Infinite loop:
while <condition>:<statement block>
String processing function:
len(x) str(x) chr(x) ord(x) hex(x) oct(x)
Common operators and functions for sequence types:
x in s, x not in s, s + t, s * n, s[i], s[i:j], s[i:j:k]
min(s), max(s), s.index(x[,i[,j]]), s.count(x), len(s)
Operator for collection type:
S - T, S -= T, S & T, S &= T, S ^ T, S ^= T, S | T, S |= T, S <= T, S >= T
The method or operation of a dictionary:
<d>.keys() <d>.values() <d>.items() <d>.get(<key>,<default>) <d>.popitem()
<d>.pop(<key>,<default>) <d>.clear() del <d>[<key>], <key> in <dict>
List type specific functions or methods:
ls[i] = x, ls[i:j] = lt, ls[i:j:k] = lt, del ls[i:j], del ls[i:j:k]
s += t or ls.extend(lt), ls *= n, ls.append(x) ls.clear() ls.copy()
ls.remove(x) ls.insert(i,x) ls.pop(i) ls.reverse(x)
Operation function or method of collection type:
S.add(x) S.clear() S.copy() S.pop() S.discard(x) S.remove(x)
len(S) S.isdisjoint(T), x in S, x not in S
Library programming:
import A
from A import b,c
b() + c()
from A import *
b() + c() + d() + ...
File operation function:
<variable name> = open(<file name>,<open mode>)
<variable name>.close()
Hot degree:
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