独立写作练习题 8

Contributor:一介布衣 Type:English Date time:2017-05-09 22:14:42 Favorite:5 Score:0
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People today are usually under heavy pressure and they figure out different ways
to reduce stress. Some people claim that watching movies or reading books is a better way to relax,
since they are much more convenient than dong physical exercises. However,
I think this is an exaggeration. Actually, people will have different preferences
when being tortured by different sorts of tiredness and both ways are necessary and important.
Reading books or watching movies is the most ideal choice when people feel physical tired,
and they may also be the only possible choices when people are in narrow spaces.
No one is likely to play sports after taking transportations for long hours
or climbing a high mountain, because such activities have already made them use up
their physical energy. Under such circumstance, watching movies or reading books
allows their brains to work actively without making them more exhausted.
Plus, sometimes people are limited by their surroundings so that they cannot do exercise.
For example, if they are on buses or planes, how can they jog or play football? On the contrary,
reading books or watching movies does not require much room and they can be done in spaces
like passenger compartment.
When people are mentally exhausted, doing physical exercises will be preferable,
and it can also be done without facilities or books. After taking a long course
or working on a complicated problem, people may feel that they do not want to think anymore
and they will be eager to do some stretches. Jogging or swimming is good stress relieves
for people who do brain work too much, and reading books or watching movies may even
make such people feel more tired. In addition, exercises can be done easily anywhere outdoors;
on the contrary, reading books or watching movies usually happens inside houses.
Doing physical exercises would be much more practical and enjoyable when people stay in forests
or parks where they can move freely without worrying about interrupting others.
People choose different ways of relaxation when facing different situations.
Since all situations are unavoidable in our daily lives, it would be rigid to say that any type
is better than the other.
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