
Contributor:Allbymyself Type:English Date time:2016-01-21 12:07:02 Favorite:21 Score:0.5
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Collection Modify the typo
collection couple kind number point set series ability absense absolute abstract access
accessed accessible
accidental accommodate accompany accomplish accordion account accountable
accurate action active across
adapter add adequate addition additional address adjacent adjust advance advise affect
ahead alert alias
align algor
ithm allocate alow allowable alone alphabetical alphanumberic already alter alternate alternative
among amongst amortized amount analysis ancestor anchor angel animate annotated annotation
ant appearance
append applicable application application-specific apply appropriate approximate approximation
arbitrary architectur
e archive area argument arise arithmeticaround arrange array ascend ascending aspect
assertion assign
assigned assi
gnment assist associate association assume assure asynchronous athlete atomic atomically
attach attachment attempt
attribute auditing authentication author authorize antoboxing automatic available avoid
awaken awakened aware back
backend background backing backslash backspace backward balance bar base basic beautification
begin with beginning
behavior batch bean behave benefit from beyond bidirectional binary bind blank block block
statement bold bomb bone
boolean bootstrap border bound boundary brackets brand break bridge broker browse browser
bubble bucket buffer buffe
red buffering bug build builder button by default by first bypass byte cache calculate
callback caller call stack c
ancel canonical capability capable capacity capture captured carriage return cascade case
cast cause caution ceil
center certificate change chain chapter char charset checkbox checked chick choose chore
chunk chunked encoding
circle circumference circumstance class cleanly clearly client clone close closed closest
closing clause cock cod
e coerce coercion collapse collection collectively collision colon color column comma command
commect commit comm
on commonly communicate communication compact campanion comparable comparator compare comparison
compatibility co
mpatible compete compilation compile compiled compiler complete completed completion complexity
compliance comply
component compose compound compression compromised compute concatenate concatenation concept
concerning concise c
oncrete concurrent concurrently condition conditional configure configuration confirm confirmation
conflict confo
rm confuse connect connection consecutive consider consideration consistent console constant
constitute constrain
t construct constructor construe consult contain contained container content contention context
continue to contr
act contrary control controller connection connectivity convenience convenient convention
conversion convert cook
ie copy correct correctness correspond corresponding cost costly count counter counterpart course
of action cover
age create credit criteria currency current currently cursor custom customize customized cut data
database dataso
urce datum de facto debug debugger debugging decay decimal decision declaration declare declaraed
decode decorati
on decrease deem deep default defer define defined defining definition delegate deletion delimit
delimiter delimit
ing demo denote deny depend dependency dependent deployment depth deprecate deprecated derive
descendant descript
ion descriptor designate designated desire desired destination destroy destructive detached
detail detect determi
ne deterministic detractor develop developer development device cialect dialog diameter dictionary
difference dig
it dimension direct directory disable disabled disadvantage discard disconecting
discouraged discount
discover dis
cretion disk disk drive dispatch dispatching dispatcher disperse display distinct distinguish
distributed distri
bution divide division document documentation domain double doubly downcasting download due to
dump duplicate dur
ation duty drag draw drive driver driverManager drop-in dynamic dynamical edit effect effectively
efficiency effic
ient ejection elapse element eliminate ellipsis else embed embedded emit empty enable encapsulate
encapsulation e
nclose enclosing instance enclosing type encode encounter encryption endpoint enforce engine enhance
ensure ente
r enterprise entire entity entry enumerate enumeration environment equal equality equal to equate
eqivalence equi
valent erasure erasure of error escape escaped essence in essense essential essentially establish
evaluate evalu
ation even exact exactly examine excapeXML exceed exclude excluding exclusive exclusively exception
execute execu
tion exercise care exhaust exhaustive exist existing exit expand expect expected experience expire
expired expiry
explicit explicit explicitly explode explore explorer exponent export exported expose express
expression extend
extends extensible extension extent external extra extraction extreme evict evolve facility factor
factorial fact
ory fail fail-fast failure failure to family fashion feature feed fetch field file fill filter
filtering final fi
nalize fainally find fit in flag float floated floor flush folder following font for instance
forbid force forego
ing form formal formalize formally format format as formatted formatter formatting former formula
forth forward
found fraction fractional fraction frantional fragment frame frameset frameword free frequency
frequent from and
to fulfill full fully further function functionality furthermore gateway garbage garbage collected
general genera
l-purpose generality generalized generally generally speaking generate generated generation
generator generic gen
der get getter gird give a view into given giving gnaw grammar grant graph greedy grid group
grouping growable gro
th guarantee guaranteed hand-code handle handler handling hash has no direct effect on have
access to hazardous h
ead header heading heap hedge height hen hence hexadecimal hide hidden hierarchical hierarchy
highest highlight h
int hold holdability honest horizontal host hover however human identical identifier
identification identify iden
tity idiom ignore illegal illustrate image imitate immediate immediately following immutable
implement implementa
tion implemented implememtor implicit implicitly imply import impose improve in addition
to in effect in essense
in exactly in-memory in order inorder for in other words in particular in place in place
of in preference to in p
rogress in sequence in terms of in that in the absense of in the case of in the face of
inactive inclined include
incompatible inconceivable incorporate incorrect incredibly incremment incrememtal idempotent
indent indentation
independent independently of index indexing indexing through indicate indicated indice
indirectly ineligible infin
ity information informative inherent inherently inderit inheritance inherited indication
infer initial initially i
nitialization initialize initializer inject injection inner input input source inquire
insensitive insert inserti
on insertion point inside instance instant instantiate instantiation instead of instruction
integer integrated in
tegrity intended intentionally interactive interface interfer interleave interoperability
intermix with intern int
ernal internally interpret interrupt interrupted intersection interval introduce introduction
invalid invalidate i
nvalidated invariant inversion invocate invocation invoke involed in closer to in free to in
interleaved with is
meant for is not required to is referred to as is said to isolation it is good practice to
italic item interact w
ith iterate iterate over iterate iterate over iteration iterator January junior keep track
of key keyword kit kno
wn as label language large latter launch launcher layout leading leaf leaving left legacy
length lengthen letter
level lexicographic lexicographical library life-cycle light lighter like likelihood likewise
limitation line lin
e feed linear link linkage linked list listing literal load loaded loader loading local local
variable locale loc
alize localized locate located location locking log logging logic logical login long lookup
loop lower lowercase
lowest machine mail main main function maintain make up make use of malformed mammal management
manage manager ma
ndate mandated manipulate manipulation manner manual map map to mappable mapped mapping margin
mark marker markup
mask master match match against match with matcher matches materialize mathematical matrix max
maximal maximize
maximum measure to mean meaningful mechanism medix member memory mention menu merely merge
mergesort message meta
method migrate millisecond mine minimize minux missile missing mobile modal model modifiable
modification modifi
ed modifier modify monitor monolithic more formally more so mostly move up multipart multiple
multiplication mult
iplicity multithreaded mutable mutate mutual mutually name named namely namesace nanosecond
narrowing native natu
ral naturally navigable navigate navigate navigator near nearest necessarily negation negative
nest nested nestin
g newline no point in nonexistent normalize nomalized normally normative notation note notification
note notificat
ion notify notion null nullary number numeral numeric numerical obey object observe observable
obsolete obtain occ
ur occurrence odd of the sort offer omit on once again on-damand on one's behalf one for each
operand operate ope
rating operation operation operator opportunity optimization optimize option optional order
ordering ordinal orie
nt oriented origin orighinal originally other than otherwise outline output outputter outside
over time overall o
verflow overhead overload overly override overriding overview owner ownership package package
explorer pad pad wi
th padding pagepage context page encoding paradigm parallelism parameter parameter to parametric
parameterized pa
rent parentheses parse parser partial partially particular partition pass pass along pass around
pass in password
paste path pathname pattern peek penalty pending panel penny per percent percentage perfect
perform performance
period periodical permissible permission permit permutation permute persist persistent perspective
perturb physic
al physically pipe pixel place placeholder plain plane plant platform plugin plus point pointer
policy polymorphi
sm poll pooled pop popularity port portability portable portion position positional positive
positive possessive p
osting potential power practical precede precedence preceding precise precision precompilation
precompile precomp
iled predefined preferable to preference prefeered prefix prefixed with preliminary preoccupation
presence present
presentation preserve pretty prevent prevent from previous previously price primarily prime
primitive principal
print printed prior prior to priority private privilege probably problem procedure proceed
process processing pr
ocessed produce profile program programmer programmatic programming prohibit prohibition project
prompt propagate
propagation proper properly proportional to protect protocol prototype provide provide for
province provoke prox
y proxied pseudorandom public pure push put forth quadratic qualified qualifier qualify quanti
fier query queue qu
ickly quote quotient radius radix raise random randomness range rare rate ratio raw re-execute
read back in read
of read in reallocation reasonably
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Description: the system according to the heat, the difficulty, the quality of automatic certification, the certification of the article will be involved in typing!

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