Python class 3

Contributor:知乎:三生万物【标签:老朽意识】 Type:English Date time:2020-06-13 21:36:57 Favorite:9 Score:0
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Collection Modify the typo
Last time we have attach to some superficial knowledge of Object-oriented Programming in python,
that we defined a class and some attribute inside. As what we discussed in previous snippet, python
has some built-in data type and some of them have it's own method--for example, "I am a string".
upper() are used to converting this string into uppercase, that is it would be "I AM A STRING".And
we could also find that we could not apply it to int type like 5.upper() would be treated as
exception which clash with rule of python.
But last time we remain a conundrum and let us do a quick recap:
Class Human:
def __init__(self,name): = name = "False"
def running(self): = "True"
human1 = Human("Peter")
print( print out "False"
print( print out "True"
Through the code above,we define a class Human, and two method inside, one is "__init__",another
is "running",while both of them has a "self" as the first parameter.Why we do that?
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