打字记录9 times
Cumulative test30.9 Min
Chinese speed0 word/min
English speed 0 word/min
英文成绩击败了全国0%of the people
中文成绩击败了全国0%of the people
2025 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
03-01 16:31:30 游客24377886 爱意随风起,风止意难平 Chinese 5 Min 109 WPM 100 % 62 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
03-01 16:13:01 游客24377886 爱意随风起,风止意难平 Chinese 5 Min 94 WPM 100 % 98 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
02-27 18:26:30 游客24377886 爱意随风起,风止意难平 Chinese 5 Min 91 WPM 100 % 85 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
02-26 22:38:47 游客24377886 人生的遇到的两种人 Chinese 3 Min 109 WPM 100 % 38 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
02-26 22:34:29 游客24377886 你想要的 Chinese 3 Min 105 WPM 100 % 26 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
02-24 16:13:38 游客24377886 人民日报金句 Chinese 3 Min 111 WPM 100 % 31 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
02-24 12:20:44 游客24377886 人民日报金句 Chinese 3 Min 100 WPM 100 % 47 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
02-24 12:17:17 游客24377886 人民日报金句 Chinese 1 Min 52 WPM 100 % 28 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
02-21 14:41:10 游客24377886 《哪吒2:魔童闹海》剧情 Chinese 3 Min 70 WPM 100 % 63 Good, challenge to faster!VSView