2022 年 | User name | Article name | Type | Date time | Speed | Right | Back | Results | PK | Curve |
02-04 22:16:31 | 游客13977024 | 豆腐 | Chinese | 50 Min | 58 WPM | 100 % | 68 | Pass, continue to work hard! | -- | -- |
02-04 21:57:18 | 游客13977024 | 豆腐 | Chinese | 5 Min | 46 WPM | 100 % | 26 | Pass, continue to work hard! | -- | -- |
01-30 23:24:36 | 游客13977024 | Chinese food culture | English | 50 Min | 144 KPM | 100 % | 297 | Pass, continue to work hard! | -- | -- |
01-30 22:54:15 | 游客13977024 | 冰灯 | Chinese | 50 Min | 84 WPM | 100 % | 72 | Excellent, good results oh! | -- | -- |
01-30 22:32:39 | 游客13977024 | 豆腐 | Chinese | 50 Min | 55 WPM | 100 % | 75 | Pass, continue to work hard! | -- | -- |
01-29 23:22:49 | 游客13977024 | Chinese film | English | 50 Min | 146 KPM | 100 % | 291 | Pass, continue to work hard! | -- | -- |
01-29 22:48:27 | 游客13977024 | 冰灯 | Chinese | 50 Min | 87 WPM | 100 % | 68 | Excellent, good results oh! | -- | -- |
01-29 22:34:03 | 游客13977024 | 侗族文化 | Chinese | 50 Min | 43 WPM | 100 % | 69 | Pass, continue to work hard! | -- | -- |
01-28 23:03:36 | 游客13977024 | Changbai Shan | English | 50 Min | 141 KPM | 100 % | 374 | Pass, continue to work hard! | -- | -- |
01-28 22:32:52 | 游客13977024 | 冰灯 | Chinese | 50 Min | 85 WPM | 100 % | 66 | Excellent, good results oh! | -- | -- |
01-28 22:03:37 | 游客13977024 | 车险改革 | Chinese | 50 Min | 74 WPM | 100 % | 59 | Good, challenge to faster! | -- | -- |
01-27 22:56:42 | 游客13977024 | anti globalization | English | 50 Min | 136 KPM | 100 % | 312 | Pass, continue to work hard! | -- | -- |
01-27 22:13:43 | 游客13977024 | 冰灯 | Chinese | 50 Min | 55 WPM | 100 % | 63 | Pass, continue to work hard! | -- | -- |
01-27 21:53:44 | 游客13977024 | 朝鲜族风俗 | Chinese | 50 Min | 50 WPM | 100 % | 71 | Pass, continue to work hard! | -- | -- |
01-26 23:22:29 | 游客13977024 | An Italian fairy | English | 50 Min | 147 KPM | 100 % | 290 | Pass, continue to work hard! | -- | -- |
01-26 22:22:37 | 游客13977024 | 冰灯 | Chinese | 50 Min | 95 WPM | 100 % | 60 | Excellent, good results oh! | -- | -- |
01-26 22:10:28 | 游客13977024 | 科罗拉多大峡谷 | Chinese | 50 Min | 63 WPM | 100 % | 61 | Good, challenge to faster! | -- | -- |
01-25 23:29:57 | 游客13977024 | American personal hygiene | English | 50 Min | 143 KPM | 100 % | 350 | Pass, continue to work hard! | -- | -- |
01-25 22:50:33 | 游客13977024 | 冰灯 | Chinese | 50 Min | 102 WPM | 100 % | 59 | Excellent, good results oh! | -- | -- |
01-25 22:39:44 | 游客13977024 | 咖啡文化 | Chinese | 50 Min | 66 WPM | 100 % | 56 | Good, challenge to faster! | -- | -- |