2021 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
11-05 13:30:25 游客153493951 a girl selling matches English 29 Min 144 KPM 100 % 329 Pass, continue to work hard!----
11-05 12:40:35 游客153493951 火锅演变 Chinese 29 Min 26 WPM 100 % 91 Fail, practice more!----
11-04 13:05:54 游客153493951 冰灯 Chinese 29 Min 22 WPM 100 % 69 Fail, practice more!----
11-04 11:52:40 游客153493951 difference attitude for mar... English 29 Min 145 KPM 100 % 216 Pass, continue to work hard!----
11-04 11:38:12 游客153493951 difference attitude for mar... English 1 Min 123 KPM 100 % 12 Pass, continue to work hard!----
11-04 11:36:04 游客153493951 — — English 1 Min 175 KPM 100 % 24 Good, challenge to faster!----
11-03 20:15:46 游客153493951 — — English 2 Min 172 KPM 99 % 66 Good, challenge to faster!----
11-03 20:11:54 游客153493951 — — English 1 Min 180 KPM 100 % 25 Good, challenge to faster!----
11-03 20:09:41 游客153493951 — — English 2 Min 190 KPM 100 % 43 Good, challenge to faster!----
11-03 20:06:53 游客153493951 — — English 1 Min 161 KPM 100 % 37 Pass, continue to work hard!----
11-03 20:05:30 游客153493951 — — English 1 Min 210 KPM 100 % 21 Good, challenge to faster!----
11-03 20:03:37 游客153493951 — — English 1 Min 209 KPM 100 % 27 Good, challenge to faster!----
11-03 20:00:33 游客153493951 咖啡来源 Chinese 28 Min 26 WPM 100 % 104 Fail, practice more!----
11-03 19:28:31 游客153493951 a girl selling matches English 28 Min 148 KPM 100 % 276 Pass, continue to work hard!----
11-02 21:13:23 游客153493951 多伦多 Chinese 28 Min 27 WPM 100 % 96 Fail, practice more!----
11-02 20:42:32 游客153493951 Christmas English 28 Min 117 KPM 100 % 263 Pass, continue to work hard!----
10-31 16:02:05 游客153493951 ethnic minorities'cus... English 28 Min 127 KPM 100 % 345 Pass, continue to work hard!----
10-18 20:51:29 游客153493951 — — English 1 Min 164 KPM 100 % 18 Pass, continue to work hard!----
10-18 20:50:01 游客153493951 — — English 1 Min 172 KPM 100 % 24 Pass, continue to work hard!----
10-18 20:48:15 游客153493951 — — English 3 Min 136 KPM 100 % 38 Pass, continue to work hard!----