2022 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
09-30 08:43:40 游客176437192 — — Chinese 3 Min 86 WPM 100 % 4 Excellent, good results oh!----
09-30 08:39:26 游客176437192 — — Chinese 3 Min 76 WPM 100 % 6 Good, challenge to faster!----
09-29 11:50:19 游客176437192 — — Chinese 3 Min 96 WPM 100 % 6 Excellent, good results oh!----
09-29 11:47:05 游客176437192 — — Chinese 3 Min 88 WPM 100 % 9 Excellent, good results oh!----
09-29 11:42:26 游客176437192 — — Chinese 3 Min 93 WPM 100 % 7 Excellent, good results oh!----
09-06 10:18:48 游客176437192 蜂鸟 - 贺峻霖 Chinese 3 Min 87 WPM 100 % 6 Excellent, good results oh!----
09-06 09:44:39 游客176437192 蜂鸟 - 贺峻霖 Chinese 3 Min 66 WPM 100 % 5 Good, challenge to faster!----
09-05 11:39:09 游客176437192 蜂鸟 - 贺峻霖 Chinese 3 Min 77 WPM 100 % 7 Good, challenge to faster!----
09-05 11:31:15 游客176437192 — — Chinese 3 Min 67 WPM 100 % 11 Good, challenge to faster!----
09-05 10:20:30 游客176437192 — — Chinese 3 Min 42 WPM 100 % 26 Pass, continue to work hard!----
09-05 10:16:31 游客176437192 — — Chinese 3 Min 50 WPM 100 % 11 Pass, continue to work hard!----
09-05 09:41:42 游客176437192 — — Chinese 3 Min 33 WPM 99 % 15 Fail, practice more!----
09-05 09:36:15 游客176437192 a girl selling matches English 3 Min 160 KPM 100 % 24 Pass, continue to work hard!----
09-05 09:17:09 游客176437192 a girl selling matches English 3 Min 172 KPM 100 % 14 Good, challenge to faster!----
09-05 08:58:56 游客176437192 a girl selling matches English 3 Min 189 KPM 100 % 17 Good, challenge to faster!----
09-04 18:02:31 游客176437192 a girl selling matches English 3 Min 196 KPM 100 % 13 Good, challenge to faster!----
09-04 17:59:06 游客176437192 a girl selling matches English 3 Min 182 KPM 100 % 33 Good, challenge to faster!----
09-04 17:12:58 游客176437192 a girl selling matches English 3 Min 64 KPM 100 % 6 Fail, practice more!----
09-04 17:09:41 游客176437192 a girl selling matches English 3 Min 59 KPM 100 % 13 Fail, practice more!----
09-04 17:05:40 游客176437192 a girl selling matches English 3 Min 61 KPM 100 % 5 Fail, practice more!----