2022 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
12-14 19:27:26 游客187615299 American census English 3 Min 164 KPM 100 % 15 Pass, continue to work hard!----
12-14 16:41:11 游客187615299 American census English 3 Min 168 KPM 100 % 38 Good, challenge to faster!----
12-14 11:38:37 游客187615299 a girl selling matches English 3 Min 176 KPM 100 % 48 Good, challenge to faster!----
12-12 10:47:18 游客187615299 Christmas English 3 Min 140 KPM 100 % 66 Pass, continue to work hard!----
12-12 10:43:52 游客187615299 a girl selling matches English 1 Min 168 KPM 100 % 21 Pass, continue to work hard!----
12-11 11:51:00 游客187615299 a girl selling matches English 3 Min 153 KPM 100 % 62 Pass, continue to work hard!----
12-09 12:43:35 游客187615299 An Italian fairy English 3 Min 154 KPM 100 % 62 Pass, continue to work hard!----
12-09 12:39:36 游客187615299 — — English 2 Min 176 KPM 100 % 52 Good, challenge to faster!----
12-09 12:36:12 游客187615299 — — English 2 Min 176 KPM 100 % 49 Good, challenge to faster!----
12-07 15:07:30 游客187615299 Chinese food culture English 3 Min 139 KPM 100 % 54 Pass, continue to work hard!----
12-07 10:54:46 游客187615299 Davao English 3 Min 135 KPM 100 % 88 Pass, continue to work hard!----
12-07 10:51:32 游客187615299 An Italian fairy English 3 Min 150 KPM 100 % 75 Pass, continue to work hard!----
12-06 23:01:39 游客187615299 An Italian fairy English 3 Min 153 KPM 100 % 50 Pass, continue to work hard!----
12-06 22:57:06 游客187615299 a girl selling matches English 1 Min 160 KPM 100 % 30 Pass, continue to work hard!----
12-06 11:40:29 游客187615299 a girl selling matches English 1 Min 161 KPM 100 % 30 Pass, continue to work hard!----
12-06 11:38:49 游客187615299 American personal hygiene English 3 Min 136 KPM 100 % 61 Pass, continue to work hard!----
12-06 11:35:21 游客187615299 American census English 3 Min 156 KPM 100 % 54 Pass, continue to work hard!----
12-05 17:05:23 游客187615299 ethnic minorities'cus... English 6 Min 120 KPM 100 % 130 Pass, continue to work hard!----
12-05 16:58:59 游客187615299 a girl selling matches English 3 Min 154 KPM 100 % 80 Pass, continue to work hard!----
12-05 16:53:30 游客187615299 American census English 3 Min 157 KPM 100 % 56 Pass, continue to work hard!----