2024 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
04-09 14:29:32 游客199016527 — — Chinese 2 Min 64 WPM 96 % 5 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
04-09 14:22:39 游客199016527 Davao English 2 Min 120 KPM 98 % 13 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
04-09 14:19:59 游客199016527 contact lenses English 2 Min 131 KPM 97 % 11 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
04-09 14:17:26 游客199016527 Christmas Stockings'... English 2 Min 142 KPM 98 % 11 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
04-09 14:15:07 游客199016527 Christmas Stockings'... English 2 Min 128 KPM 100 % 29 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
04-09 14:12:49 游客199016527 Christmas Stockings'... English 2 Min 114 KPM 100 % 38 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
04-09 14:10:17 游客199016527 dispute about e-mail English 2 Min 122 KPM 100 % 20 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
04-09 14:07:30 游客199016527 effect of Meteor Garden English 2 Min 103 KPM 99 % 26 Fail, practice more!VSView
04-09 14:01:56 游客199016527 a girl selling matches English 5 Min 116 KPM 100 % 51 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
04-09 10:39:31 游客199016527 — — Chinese 2 Min 57 WPM 100 % 7 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
04-09 10:37:04 游客199016527 — — Chinese 2 Min 48 WPM 100 % 10 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
04-09 10:34:54 游客199016527 — — Chinese 2 Min 45 WPM 100 % 6 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
04-09 10:32:28 游客199016527 多伦多 Chinese 2 Min 29 WPM 75 % 3 Fail, too many mistakes!VSView
04-09 10:28:41 游客199016527 — — Chinese 2 Min 31 WPM 100 % 6 Fail, practice more!VSView
04-09 10:19:22 游客199016527 American personal hygiene English 2 Min 170 KPM 100 % 19 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
04-09 10:16:57 游客199016527 American census English 2 Min 127 KPM 100 % 36 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
04-09 10:14:41 游客199016527 American census English 2 Min 122 KPM 100 % 36 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
04-09 10:12:28 游客199016527 a girl selling matches English 2 Min 165 KPM 100 % 34 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
04-09 10:09:43 游客199016527 a girl selling matches English 2 Min 170 KPM 100 % 15 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
04-09 09:55:57 游客199016527 — — Chinese 2 Min 56 WPM 98 % 2 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView