2023 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
12-22 20:19:38 游客207346983 我走后一拼音版 English 1 Min 53 KPM 100 % 10 Fail, practice more!----
12-22 20:17:16 游客207346983 我走后一拼音版 English 1 Min 82 KPM 100 % 3 Fail, practice more!----
12-22 20:16:01 游客207346983 我走后一拼音版 English 1 Min 91 KPM 100 % 2 Fail, practice more!----
12-22 17:17:31 游客207346983 我走后一拼音版 English 1 Min 310 KPM 100 % 5 Excellent, good results oh!----
12-22 17:16:21 游客207346983 几个你一拼音版 English 1 Min 289 KPM 100 % 18 Excellent, good results oh!----
12-22 17:15:13 游客207346983 几个你一拼音版 English 1 Min 290 KPM 100 % 7 Excellent, good results oh!----
12-22 17:13:44 游客207346983 — — English 1 Min 299 KPM 100 % 8 Excellent, good results oh!----
12-22 17:11:55 游客207346983 — — English 1 Min 295 KPM 100 % 6 Excellent, good results oh!----
12-22 17:10:14 游客207346983 — — English 1 Min 312 KPM 100 % 2 Excellent, good results oh!----
12-22 17:08:17 游客207346983 — — English 1 Min 301 KPM 100 % 5 Excellent, good results oh!----
12-22 14:12:29 游客207346983 — — English 2 Min 61 KPM 100 % 19 Fail, practice more!----
12-22 13:55:05 游客207346983 — — English 2 Min 34 KPM 100 % 6 Fail, practice more!----
12-22 13:52:50 游客207346983 — — English 2 Min 100 KPM 100 % 7 Fail, practice more!----
12-22 13:50:36 游客207346983 — — English 2 Min 97 KPM 100 % 12 Fail, practice more!----
12-22 13:11:23 游客207346983 — — English 2 Min 97 KPM 99 % 8 Fail, practice more!----
12-22 13:08:46 游客207346983 a girl selling matches English 1 Min 18 KPM 100 % 5 Fail, practice more!----
12-22 13:02:35 游客207346983 a girl selling matches English 1 Min 63 KPM 100 % 0 Fail, practice more!----
12-22 07:53:57 游客207346983 科罗拉多大峡谷 Chinese 1 Min 68 WPM 97 % 7 Good, challenge to faster!----
12-22 07:52:34 游客207346983 咖啡来源 Chinese 1 Min 78 WPM 99 % 4 Good, challenge to faster!----
12-22 07:51:00 游客207346983 车险改革 Chinese 1 Min 83 WPM 99 % 1 Good, challenge to faster!----