游客2267003的级别:九级(共十级)Challenge speed limit!
打字记录4071 times
Cumulative test309 Hour
Chinese speed195.5 word/min
English speed 0 word/min
英文成绩击败了全国0%of the people
中文成绩击败了全国100%of the people
2024 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
12-25 21:49:39 游客2267003 岁月的颜色 Chinese 50 Min 148 WPM 100 % 2 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-25 21:43:55 游客2267003 阅读,也可以变得时尚 环球时报... Chinese 50 Min 138 WPM 100 % 45 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-24 21:04:10 游客2267003 如果有一个人,真心对你好 Chinese 50 Min 179 WPM 100 % 1 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-23 22:27:26 游客2267003 做好这几件事,人生闪闪发光 Chinese 50 Min 203 WPM 100 % 1 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-22 21:50:07 游客2267003 面对极端事件,保持理性与正常... Chinese 50 Min 199 WPM 100 % 3 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-21 19:27:26 游客2267003 上岸上岸,现实哪有那么多&am... Chinese 50 Min 180 WPM 100 % 9 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-20 18:31:56 游客2267003 《我活着呐》 Chinese 50 Min 195 WPM 100 % 2 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-19 21:38:20 游客2267003 当遇见你 Chinese 50 Min 202 WPM 100 % 1 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-18 19:32:55 游客2267003 当代年轻人的生娃观点 Chinese 50 Min 207 WPM 100 % 2 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-17 21:47:53 游客2267003 — — Chinese 50 Min 207 WPM 100 % 2 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-16 20:39:44 游客2267003 别让脾气,挡了福气 Chinese 50 Min 206 WPM 100 % 2 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-15 19:42:03 游客2267003 情绪稳定是最高级别的修养 Chinese 50 Min 165 WPM 100 % 17 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-14 22:20:06 游客2267003 24小时不打烊的饮品店,深夜坐... Chinese 50 Min 150 WPM 100 % 42 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-13 20:39:34 游客2267003 科技发展 Chinese 50 Min 213 WPM 100 % 0 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-12 20:30:12 游客2267003 《你看 世界好美》 Chinese 50 Min 187 WPM 100 % 0 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-10 21:11:32 游客2267003 风雨自有归期,山水自有相逢 Chinese 50 Min 202 WPM 100 % 4 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-10 20:53:06 游客2267003 谈钱 ,才是对员工最大的尊重 Chinese 50 Min 175 WPM 100 % 11 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-09 19:53:30 游客2267003 冯唐 活得好的女生,都只吃高级... Chinese 50 Min 203 WPM 100 % 3 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-08 20:19:21 游客2267003 别人的城市-余华 Chinese 50 Min 216 WPM 100 % 4 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-07 22:43:01 游客2267003 活出爱-史铁生 Chinese 50 Min 184 WPM 100 % 3 Excellent, good results oh!VSView