2024 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
08-13 14:51:57 游客8956643 科罗拉多大峡谷 Chinese 5 Min 48 WPM 100 % 41 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
08-11 14:53:31 游客8956643 冰灯 Chinese 5 Min 31 WPM 100 % 44 Fail, practice more!VSView
08-11 14:46:12 游客8956643 冰灯 Chinese 5 Min 50 WPM 98 % 34 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
08-11 14:37:32 游客8956643 冰灯 Chinese 5 Min 43 WPM 100 % 37 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView