2024 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
08-26 23:20:41 游客9570169 照顾好自己,是一种能力 Chinese 20 Min 83 WPM 100 % 39 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
08-26 16:38:21 游客9570169 说说彩礼这个东西 Chinese 35 Min 81 WPM 100 % 103 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
08-26 16:21:02 游客9570169 在失业的浪潮中重新起航 Chinese 20 Min 82 WPM 100 % 60 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
08-26 16:13:11 游客9570169 十个勤天经典语录 Chinese 15 Min 79 WPM 100 % 60 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
08-25 23:51:00 游客9570169 忧虑,幸福人生的破坏者 Chinese 15 Min 75 WPM 100 % 39 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
08-25 23:42:25 游客9570169 自我肯定低的人,常常这样说话 Chinese 30 Min 80 WPM 100 % 87 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
08-25 23:23:15 游客9570169 最顶级的养生:放松自己 Chinese 40 Min 87 WPM 100 % 74 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
08-25 23:08:08 游客9570169 飞过寂寞的森林 Chinese 35 Min 83 WPM 100 % 79 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
08-25 22:57:47 游客9570169 零碎的心情文案 Chinese 20 Min 76 WPM 100 % 49 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
08-24 11:08:58 游客9570169 我要年年有你 Chinese 5 Min 90 WPM 100 % 14 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
08-24 11:05:23 游客9570169 卷又卷不过,趟又趟不平 Chinese 5 Min 73 WPM 100 % 46 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
08-24 10:58:32 游客9570169 遇事的第一思维,决定了人生高... Chinese 35 Min 81 WPM 100 % 87 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
08-24 10:42:36 游客9570169 独处也是一种能力 Chinese 20 Min 76 WPM 100 % 65 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
08-24 10:33:35 游客9570169 人都是逼出来的 Chinese 3 Min 91 WPM 100 % 9 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
08-24 10:31:03 游客9570169 漂亮的计划,不漂亮的执行 Chinese 15 Min 85 WPM 100 % 45 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
08-24 10:23:10 游客9570169 厉害的人,都有这股劲儿 Chinese 25 Min 90 WPM 100 % 47 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
08-24 10:14:09 游客9570169 允许一切发生 Chinese 5 Min 81 WPM 100 % 29 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
08-23 10:14:20 游客9570169 有个真朋友,是一生的福气 Chinese 15 Min 74 WPM 100 % 63 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
08-23 09:58:18 游客9570169 销后的练习 Chinese 35 Min 96 WPM 100 % 88 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
08-23 09:47:13 游客9570169 遇上真心,就别错过 Chinese 20 Min 90 WPM 100 % 45 Excellent, good results oh!VSView