2024 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
11-21 11:14:54 游客24442720 American census English 5 Min 201 KPM 100 % 40 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
11-21 11:08:40 游客24442720 anti globalization English 5 Min 218 KPM 100 % 106 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
11-20 18:07:43 游客24442720 anti globalization English 5 Min 229 KPM 100 % 76 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
11-19 21:05:35 游客24442720 contact lenses English 5 Min 220 KPM 100 % 86 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
11-19 20:58:46 游客24442720 effect of Meteor Garden English 5 Min 212 KPM 100 % 100 Good, challenge to faster!VSView