2021 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
04-28 20:50:02 游客9427992 — — English 50 Min 120 KPM 100 % 168 Pass, continue to work hard!----
04-28 20:28:54 游客9427992 American personal hygiene English 10 Min 120 KPM 100 % 125 Pass, continue to work hard!----
04-28 00:08:08 游客9427992 — — Chinese 10 Min 13 WPM 98 % 21 Fail, practice more!----
04-27 20:45:40 游客9427992 — — English 10 Min 160 KPM 100 % 174 Good, challenge to faster!----
04-26 23:02:40 游客9427992 a girl selling matches English 10 Min 234 KPM 100 % 200 Excellent, good results oh!----
04-26 22:52:04 游客9427992 — — Chinese 10 Min 59 WPM 99 % 63 Pass, continue to work hard!----
04-26 22:39:41 游客9427992 — — English 10 Min 209 KPM 100 % 154 Good, challenge to faster!----
04-26 21:45:27 游客9427992 — — English 10 Min 140 KPM 99 % 214 Pass, continue to work hard!----
04-26 21:20:53 游客9427992 — — English 10 Min 179 KPM 99 % 182 Good, challenge to faster!----