2024 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
11-28 20:38:48 游客23199184 冰灯灯 Chinese 5 Min 56 WPM 98 % 26 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
11-28 20:38:44 王海玲12 童话镇-暗杠 English 5 Min 100 KPM 100 % 39 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
11-28 20:38:44 2024000074 a girl selling matches English 5 Min 237 KPM 100 % 44 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
11-28 20:38:38 游客179011 许尔一世浮华,念尔半世繁花 Chinese 5 Min 58 WPM 100 % 33 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
11-28 20:38:36 游客23638271 — — English 5 Min 95 KPM 100 % 18 Fail, practice more!VSView
11-28 20:38:34 滴滴硫酸 冰灯 Chinese 5 Min 63 WPM 100 % 24 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
11-28 20:38:06 游客25376294 广州人与茶 Chinese 5 Min 89 WPM 100 % 68 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
11-28 20:38:00 游客18937423 环保建筑 Chinese 5 Min 49 WPM 100 % 20 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
11-28 20:37:25 4号“”陈德锋 回族风俗 Chinese 5 Min 65 WPM 100 % 12 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
11-28 20:37:05 2024000074 ethnic minorities'cus... English 5 Min 225 KPM 99 % 84 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
11-28 20:36:29 冯子儒 American personal hygiene English 5 Min 141 KPM 100 % 97 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
11-28 20:36:28 游客22171657 — — Chinese 5 Min 79 WPM 100 % 14 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
11-28 20:36:22 游客22167306 生活的味道 Chinese 5 Min 54 WPM 100 % 11 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
11-28 20:36:06 2024000074 a girl selling matches English 5 Min 238 KPM 100 % 136 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
11-28 20:35:54 游客22189631 — — Chinese 5 Min 31 WPM 100 % 12 Fail, practice more!VSView
11-28 20:35:45 游客25139200 海流影响海洋生物 Chinese 5 Min 53 WPM 90 % 29 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
11-28 20:35:43 游客23668032 心理暗示 Chinese 5 Min 63 WPM 99 % 68 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
11-28 20:35:29 游客18194344 — — English 5 Min 195 KPM 100 % 107 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
11-28 20:35:22 42张嘉纯 只要爱上一个人 Chinese 5 Min 58 WPM 100 % 8 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
11-28 20:35:16 西i嘻嘻i嘻嘻i嘻嘻... 海螺沟冰川 Chinese 5 Min 49 WPM 100 % 8 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView