2024 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
12-01 09:12:21 游客24823072 环保建筑 Chinese 5 Min 28 WPM 94 % 16 Fail, practice more!VSView
12-01 09:11:12 游客19754322 客服打字测试无标点 Chinese 2 Min 116 WPM 100 % 23 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-01 09:11:05 游客25681880 a girl selling matches English 1 Min 224 KPM 100 % 19 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-01 09:10:34 2024000074 朝鲜族风俗 Chinese 3 Min 76 WPM 100 % 5 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-01 09:10:29 1026 海螺沟冰川 Chinese 50 Min 21 WPM 99 % 65 Fail, practice more!VSView
12-01 09:10:28 自小成才 冰灯 Chinese 5 Min 26 WPM 100 % 12 Fail, practice more!VSView
12-01 09:10:22 2024000074 冰灯 Chinese 5 Min 29 WPM 99 % 5 Fail, practice more!VSView
12-01 09:10:21 杨深铭240010179 a girl selling matches English 2 Min 209 KPM 100 % 1 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-01 09:09:52 游客25681880 a girl selling matches English 1 Min 224 KPM 100 % 17 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-01 09:09:50 游客25757421 冰灯 Chinese 1 Min 48 WPM 98 % 0 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-01 09:09:33 游客24647395 — — Chinese 2 Min 111 WPM 100 % 9 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-01 09:09:33 游客8144069 — — English 2 Min 21 KPM 100 % 2 Fail, practice more!VSView
12-01 09:09:08 游客25345395 冰灯 Chinese 5 Min 48 WPM 100 % 30 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-01 09:08:56 游客25483788 冰灯 Chinese 5 Min 38 WPM 100 % 10 Fail, practice more!VSView
12-01 09:08:46 蓝哥 — — Chinese 40 Min 58 WPM 100 % 234 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-01 09:08:40 游客19754322 客服打字测试无标点 Chinese 2 Min 107 WPM 100 % 27 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-01 09:08:37 游客25681880 a girl selling matches English 1 Min 224 KPM 100 % 15 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-01 09:08:13 游客216222327 打字客服测试 Chinese 15 Min 39 WPM 98 % 29 Fail, practice more!VSView
12-01 09:07:43 杨深铭240010179 a girl selling matches English 2 Min 273 KPM 100 % 0 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-01 09:07:04 游客24823072 环保建筑 Chinese 5 Min 55 WPM 100 % 63 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView