2024 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
12-17 17:43:56 游客24460241 — — Chinese 2 Min 128 WPM 100 % 15 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-17 17:43:50 康康康康 — — Chinese 1 Min 49 WPM 100 % 2 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-17 17:43:34 游客24359253 冰灯 Chinese 2 Min 76 WPM 100 % 21 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-17 17:43:29 游客192811227 广州人与茶 Chinese 2 Min 56 WPM 100 % 9 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-17 17:43:29 游客216600318 — — Chinese 1 Min 94 WPM 100 % 1 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-17 17:43:26 一碗螺蛳粉 — — English 1 Min 341 KPM 100 % 17 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-17 17:43:15 游客24641603 — — Chinese 5 Min 54 WPM 100 % 54 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-17 17:43:09 游客7198130 — — Chinese 5 Min 58 WPM 97 % 9 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-17 17:43:03 1026 a girl selling matches English 9 Min 207 KPM 100 % 309 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-17 17:42:51 游客23910742 我走后一拼音版 English 10 Min 175 KPM 100 % 57 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-17 17:42:44 游客7045371 回族风俗 Chinese 5 Min 78 WPM 100 % 19 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-17 17:42:38 游客25479679 冰灯 Chinese 5 Min 56 WPM 100 % 25 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-17 17:42:30 游客24639905 — — Chinese 2 Min 52 WPM 100 % 0 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-17 17:42:26 游客24645820 — — Chinese 2 Min 65 WPM 99 % 5 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-17 17:42:18 游客28506809 冰灯 Chinese 1 Min 50 WPM 100 % 0 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-17 17:42:11 游客20965444 — — Chinese 50 Min 109 WPM 100 % 83 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-17 17:42:08 一碗螺蛳粉 — — English 1 Min 302 KPM 100 % 31 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-17 17:41:55 游客216600318 — — Chinese 1 Min 73 WPM 90 % 7 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-17 17:41:47 马天佑249204019 — — English 5 Min 140 KPM 100 % 24 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-17 17:41:43 肖昂 古埃及传说 Chinese 1 Min 98 WPM 100 % 9 Excellent, good results oh!VSView