2024 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
12-19 17:10:29 游客28965977 Chinese New Year English 3 Min 126 KPM 100 % 52 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-19 17:10:23 游客28958623 Chinese New Year English 3 Min 114 KPM 100 % 20 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-19 17:10:20 游客25605277 客服打字测试无标点 Chinese 1 Min 33 WPM 87 % 2 Fail, practice more!VSView
12-19 17:10:16 游客26197020 — — Chinese 20 Min 99 WPM 100 % 189 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-19 17:10:15 游客28957815 Chinese New Year English 3 Min 87 KPM 100 % 19 Fail, practice more!VSView
12-19 17:10:14 潇¥……() a girl selling matches English 1 Min 125 KPM 100 % 13 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-19 17:10:12 游客28922818 广州人与茶 Chinese 5 Min 31 WPM 100 % 8 Fail, practice more!VSView
12-19 17:10:06 游客28753731 环保建筑 Chinese 3 Min 84 WPM 100 % 44 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-19 17:10:05 游客193615236 咖啡文化 Chinese 1 Min 61 WPM 100 % 1 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-19 17:10:05 游客148314 — — Chinese 1 Min 73 WPM 100 % 17 Good, challenge to faster!VSView
12-19 17:10:04 游客25208364 — — Chinese 5 Min 40 WPM 97 % 28 Fail, practice more!VSView
12-19 17:10:03 游客28965890 环保建筑 Chinese 5 Min 37 WPM 100 % 16 Fail, practice more!VSView
12-19 17:10:00 游客28958373 Chinese New Year English 3 Min 150 KPM 100 % 117 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-19 17:09:53 游客28958485 Chinese New Year English 3 Min 114 KPM 100 % 23 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-19 17:09:51 游客28957748 Chinese New Year English 3 Min 76 KPM 99 % 17 Fail, practice more!VSView
12-19 17:09:51 游客28957495 Chinese New Year English 3 Min 77 KPM 100 % 8 Fail, practice more!VSView
12-19 17:09:50 游客28958278 Chinese New Year English 3 Min 103 KPM 100 % 17 Fail, practice more!VSView
12-19 17:09:48 游客185323700 不管你有多么喜欢一个人 Chinese 20 Min 59 WPM 100 % 41 Pass, continue to work hard!VSView
12-19 17:09:48 浅浅的秋天 — — English 2 Min 409 KPM 100 % 1 Excellent, good results oh!VSView
12-19 17:09:47 游客28958316 Chinese New Year English 3 Min 80 KPM 100 % 45 Fail, practice more!VSView