2022 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
05-08 20:47:30 游客13646873 — — English 5 Min 223 KPM 100 % 145 Excellent, good results oh!----
05-08 17:45:19 游客13646873 — — English 5 Min 217 KPM 100 % 158 Good, challenge to faster!----
05-08 17:31:31 游客13646873 — — Chinese 5 Min 72 WPM 100 % 20 Good, challenge to faster!----
05-08 17:25:31 游客13646873 contact lenses English 5 Min 230 KPM 100 % 140 Excellent, good results oh!----
05-08 13:31:35 游客13646873 contact lenses English 5 Min 239 KPM 100 % 123 Excellent, good results oh!----
05-02 23:23:12 游客13646873 contact lenses English 5 Min 220 KPM 100 % 208 Excellent, good results oh!----
05-02 23:16:13 游客13646873 contact lenses English 5 Min 237 KPM 100 % 20 Excellent, good results oh!----
05-02 23:13:33 游客13646873 contact lenses English 5 Min 239 KPM 100 % 139 Excellent, good results oh!----
05-02 23:07:22 游客13646873 contact lenses English 5 Min 236 KPM 100 % 110 Excellent, good results oh!----
05-02 21:14:43 游客13646873 contact lenses English 5 Min 215 KPM 100 % 157 Good, challenge to faster!----
05-02 21:09:28 游客13646873 Chinese New Year English 5 Min 222 KPM 100 % 122 Excellent, good results oh!----
05-02 21:04:14 游客13646873 Chinese New Year English 5 Min 217 KPM 100 % 142 Good, challenge to faster!----
04-27 18:54:21 游客13646873 Chinese New Year English 5 Min 226 KPM 100 % 144 Excellent, good results oh!----
04-27 18:49:04 游客13646873 Christmas Stockings'... English 5 Min 176 KPM 100 % 39 Good, challenge to faster!----
04-27 18:46:50 游客13646873 Christmas Stockings'... English 5 Min 233 KPM 100 % 129 Excellent, good results oh!----
04-27 18:28:46 游客13646873 Christmas Stockings'... English 5 Min 253 KPM 100 % 114 Excellent, good results oh!----
04-26 23:35:36 游客13646873 - - English 5 Min 225 KPM 100 % 14 Excellent, good results oh!----
04-26 23:34:46 游客13646873 - - English 5 Min 220 KPM 100 % 102 Excellent, good results oh!----
04-26 23:29:28 游客13646873 - - English 5 Min 225 KPM 100 % 102 Excellent, good results oh!----
04-26 18:04:23 游客13646873 Chinese food culture English 5 Min 221 KPM 100 % 184 Excellent, good results oh!----