2022 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
07-04 22:40:15 游客181155828 contact lenses English 50 Min 130 KPM 100 % 385 Pass, continue to work hard!----
07-03 16:03:02 游客181155828 anti globalization English 50 Min 103 KPM 100 % 473 Pass, continue to work hard!----
07-03 11:48:08 游客181155828 effect of Meteor Garden English 50 Min 84 KPM 100 % 415 Fail, practice more!----
07-02 13:39:52 游客181155828 Davao English 5 Min 82 KPM 100 % 86 Fail, practice more!----
07-02 11:15:36 游客181155828 Davao English 50 Min 61 KPM 100 % 458 Fail, practice more!----
07-01 17:22:29 游客181155828 - - English 50 Min 41 KPM 100 % 307 Fail, practice more!----
07-01 12:48:31 游客181155828 effect of Meteor Garden English 5 Min 29 KPM 99 % 24 Fail, practice more!----