2023 年User nameArticle nameTypeDate timeSpeedRightBackResultsPK Curve
02-27 15:45:26 游客190297911 a girl selling matches English 10 Min 240 KPM 100 % 140 Excellent, good results oh!----
02-27 15:35:18 游客190297911 Edison's story English 10 Min 236 KPM 100 % 110 Excellent, good results oh!----
02-25 14:49:26 游客190297911 American personal hygiene English 10 Min 196 KPM 100 % 154 Good, challenge to faster!----
02-25 14:38:27 游客190297911 Davao English 10 Min 213 KPM 100 % 145 Good, challenge to faster!----
02-24 15:46:09 游客190297911 An Italian fairy English 10 Min 1 KPM 100 % 0 Fail, practice more!----
02-24 14:45:24 游客190297911 Christmas Stockings'... English 10 Min 168 KPM 100 % 80 Good, challenge to faster!----
02-24 14:34:58 游客190297911 dispute about e-mail English 10 Min 157 KPM 100 % 112 Pass, continue to work hard!----
02-21 14:38:16 游客190297911 Chinese New Year English 5 Min 1 KPM 100 % 0 Fail, practice more!----
02-21 14:32:40 游客190297911 - - English 5 Min 215 KPM 100 % 87 Good, challenge to faster!----
02-21 14:27:29 游客190297911 contact lenses English 5 Min 229 KPM 100 % 53 Excellent, good results oh!----
02-21 14:22:19 游客190297911 difference attitude for mar... English 5 Min 159 KPM 100 % 47 Pass, continue to work hard!----
02-18 09:42:26 游客190297911 Christmas Stockings'... English 5 Min 231 KPM 100 % 80 Excellent, good results oh!----
02-18 09:37:00 游客190297911 An Italian fairy English 5 Min 255 KPM 100 % 99 Excellent, good results oh!----
02-18 09:31:53 游客190297911 An Italian fairy English 5 Min 200 KPM 100 % 47 Good, challenge to faster!----
02-18 09:26:38 游客190297911 Chinese travel abroad English 5 Min 196 KPM 100 % 76 Good, challenge to faster!----